Daily ritual - how to make your perfect bowl of ceremonial grade matcha

1 minute to show you how to make your perfect bowl of ceremonial matcha, hope you will enjoy it 🙏❤️

In this video, we are making Usucha 薄茶 (thin tea), whereas, Koicha 濃茶 (thick tea) is a very dense, creamy, more concentrated tea. 

What do you need?

1/2 tsp high-quality ceremonial grade matcha (check the color, see if its bright emerald green, this is the easiest way to check), in this video I used my favorite Three tea bowls matcha.

A chawan (tea bowl)

A chasen (bamboo whisk)

A chashaku (bamboo scoop), this is optional

A sieve

65 ml of filtered /spring water at 80°C


Soak the tea whisk (chasen) for a minute or less, to soften the tips; then, the whisk could last for a long time.

Sift 1/2 tsp (up to 1 tsp) of high-quality ceremonial grade matcha into a tea bowl (chawan)

Pour in 65ml of water at 80°C

Whisk in “M” motion until a beautiful foam forms

Cheers to our matcha moments, enjoy!

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